Guest Blogging at Lynn Neville Content & Marketing

Guest Blog for Us!

I'm always on the lookout for talented writers and unique voices to feature on Lynn Neville Content & Marketing.

If you're passionate about topics such as content marketing, lead generation, sales funnels, personal branding, or affiliate marketing, I'd love to hear from you! Of course, if you have a fresh idea outside of these areas that aligns with helping individuals amplify their reach and revenue, I'm open to hearing it too.

Before you submit your post, please familiarize yourself with our guidelines and privacy note.

Guest Blogging Guidelines:

  1. Content Originality: All submissions must be original content not published elsewhere, including your own site. Any plagiarized content will be rejected.
  2. Length: Articles should ideally be between 800-1,200 words. If your topic requires a more in-depth discussion, please consider writing multiple or a series of blog posts.
  3. Audience Relevance: My readers are particularly interested in topics like content marketing, lead generation, sales funnels, personal branding, and affiliate marketing. Please make sure your topic aligns well with their interests.
  4. Formatting: Use clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs for readability. Including relevant images is a plus! Ensure they're either royalty-free or you have the rights to use them.
  5. Links: You can include up to 2 relevant backlinks in your article. No promotional or affiliate links, please. All links will be nofollow.
  6. Bio: Include a short bio (50-75 words) with your submission. You can add one link to your personal blog or social media profile in your bio.
  7. Editing: We reserve the right to make minor edits to your article for clarity, grammar, and SEO purposes.
  8. Turnaround Time: Once you submit your post, please allow us 2-3 weeks to review. We'll reach out, whether it's a go-ahead or feedback for revisions.
  9. Promotion: Once published, we'd appreciate if you could share your guest post on your social media channels. It's a win-win for both of us!

Privacy Note:

Your privacy is important to us. The personal information you provide when submitting a guest post will only be used to evaluate your submission and to communicate with you about it. We won't share, sell, or distribute your details to any third parties. By submitting a post through our form, you acknowledge and consent to our handling of your data for these purposes.

Ready to share your expertise with our audience?

Submit your guest post here.