
  • Saturday Suggestions

    Saturday Suggestions

    If you run a business, one of the best ways to achieve success is to always be open to learning new things and being inspired by others. This doesn’t mean you need to go back to school or attend endless motivational talks. It can simply mean listening to podcasts or taking short courses to learn about a tactic, method, or skill that can move you forward in your business or life. Or it could mean listening to an audiobook by an inspirational role model that leaves you re-energized and puts in you a success mindset.

    Saturday Suggestions

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    Over the years, I’ve discovered and come to love so many of these and I want to share them with you. In my Saturday Suggestions series that I share on Instagram, I do just that.

    Why not join me and follow along as we talk about really amazing sources of inspiration and enlightenment that will help you get closer to achieving success.

    Here you’ll find a running list of what we share in the Saturday Suggestions. I hope you like them as much as I do.

    Make sure to check back often as we’ll continue to update this page!



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    Saturday Suggestions


    Saturday Suggestion 1/18/20

    Documentary: She Started It by Nora Poggi and Insiyah Saeed

    This documentary really helped me realize that what we do has an effect on the future generation of aspirational business women, too. While interviewing women in the tech industry, the directors made sure to highlight the struggles as well as how motivating their journey were. This documentary will leave you feeling very appreciative of your job.


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    Saturday Suggestion 12/28/19

    AudioBook: Bossypants by Tina Fey 

    Looking for a laid-back, comedic stress-reliever? Then this audiobook is just what you need. Tina Fey’s casual narrative of the general expectations of women in any work field will help you realize that no matter how successful we are, the struggle is inevitable to our journey. She also has some solid advice on how to conquer not only your business but also life!

    Saturday Suggestions: Bossy Pants by Tina Fey


    Saturday Suggestion 12/7/19

    Podcast: Women Taking the Lead by Jodi Flynn

    This is a podcast that is fueled with episodes that revolve around the entrepreneurial struggles every woman experiences, correcting business mindsets and stigmas and most importantly women empowerment! Best part? It’s applicable to all women irrespective of their industry! 

    Saturday Suggestions: Women Takign the Lead by Jodi Flynn


    Discover amazing sources of inspiration and enlightenment to help you achieve business success. Based on my Saturday Suggestions series on Instagram. Why not join me and follow along. #inspiration #success #businessClick To Tweet


    What podcasts, videos, or books do you listen to or read? I’d love to hear about your favorite sources of inspiration and enlightenment. I might even include it in an upcoming Saturday Suggestion! Message me at lynn@lynnneville.com or leave me a note in the comments.