affiliate programs

  • Stress-Free Holiday Tips for Entrepreneurs

    As the holiday season rolls in, it brings a unique set of challenges and joys, especially for those of us steering our own businesses. This time of year should be about celebrating and unwinding, yet many entrepreneurs find themselves tangled in a web of work commitments. That’s why I’ve dedicated this post to sharing stress-free holiday tips for entrepreneurs. It’s all about creating a harmonious blend of professional responsibilities and personal enjoyment, ensuring this festive season is as rewarding as it is relaxing.


    The Value of Holiday Downtime for Business Owners

    First things first, it’s okay to hit the pause button on work. Seriously, it’s good for you! Stepping back from the daily grind gives your brain a much-needed breather. It’s like giving your mind a mini vacation, and who doesn’t love a vacation? Plus, it’s a chance to hang out with your nearest and dearest without the constant ping of work emails.


    Being There for Your Loved Ones

    There’s something special about being fully present with your family and friends during the holidays. It’s not just about being in the same room; it’s about really listening, sharing laughs, and maybe even showing off your terrible dance moves. These moments? They’re priceless. And guess what? They make you come back to work with a whole new level of zest.


    Energizing for Upcoming Business Challenges in the New Year

    Taking time off also means you get to start the new year on a fresh note. Think of it like hitting the reset button. You get to reflect on what’s working, dream up new ideas, and maybe even ponder over that one weird business idea you had at 3 AM.


    Keeping the Business Wheels Turning

    Alright, let’s talk practicalities. Your business doesn’t have to come to a standstill just because you’re taking a break. It’s all about planning. Maybe it’s about setting up some automation magic or entrusting tasks to your amazing team. And hey, a little heads-up to your clients goes a long way. It keeps things smooth and professional.


    Mastering Client Communication During the Festive Season

    This part is crucial. Letting your clients and customers know about your holiday schedule is just good business etiquette. It shows you respect their time and sets clear expectations. Here’s a little template I use:


    Happy Holidays [FIRST NAME],

    I hope you’re soaking up the holiday spirit and making some fantastic memories.

    As we wrap up the year, I’m stepping away from the office starting [DATE] to recharge and spend time with loved ones. I’ll be peeking at my emails now and then, so if there’s something urgent, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just a heads up, my response might take a tad longer than usual (we all need a little holiday breather, right?).

    I’ll be back in action on [DATE], ready to hit the ground running.

    Thanks a bunch for understanding,

    [SIGN OFF]


    Wrapping It Up

    So, there you have it! Following these tips can lead to a stress-free holiday tips for entrepreneurs. Remember, balancing work and personal life during the festive season doesn’t have to be a juggling act. With a bit of planning, clear communication, and giving yourself permission to enjoy the season, you can experience a joyful and serene holiday period.

    How are you planning to spend your time off? Got any additional holiday survival tips for fellow business owners? Drop them in the comments – I’d love to hear from you!


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  • Grow a Massive, Responsive List Biz Tip Series

    Grow a Massive, Responsive List Biz Tip Series

    I’m opening the curtains and sharing with you a series of business tips to grow a massive, responsive list. They cover my experience growing lists of up to 10,000 subscribers and include specific ideas you can implement to grow you own list.

    Quick Links:


    Get on my list to to get the next tip when it comes out!

    What Each Tip Is About…

    Tip #1 Plant the Seed

    Start by creating an irresistible lead magnet, like a free ebook or checklist. It’s the first step to capturing your audience’s attention and enticing them to join your list. Learn more…


    Tip #2 Craft Captivating Content

    Share valuable insights, tips, and stories with your subscribers. Be like a magician revealing secrets – they’ll eagerly await your next email like kids waiting for their favorite TV show. Keep ’em hooked and wanting more! Learn more…


    Tip #3 Be Consistently Consistent

    Develop a regular email schedule, whether it’s weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Consistency breeds trust, and trust is the foundation for a healthy relationship with your list. Think of it like watering your garden – don’t let your subscribers wither away! Learn more…


    Tip #4 Speak Their Language

    Understand your audience’s hopes, dreams, and fears better than their best friend. When you speak their language and address their pain points, they’ll see you as their superhero, ready to rescue them from their problems. Pow! Learn more…


    Tip #5 Perfecting That Opt-In Form

    Make it ridiculously easy for people to sign up for your list. Keep your forms simple, attractive, and strategically placed. Don’t bury them in the Bermuda Triangle of your website, or you’ll miss out on potential subscribers. They’re not treasure hunters, after all! Learn more…


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    Tip #6 Let Your Value Echo Everywhere

    Promote your lead magnet on social media, your website, and even at dinner parties. Okay, maybe not the last one, but you get the idea. Be shameless (in a good way) and spread the word far and wide. Let everyone know you’re the guru they need in their life! Learn more…


    Tip #7 Partner Up for Potent Progress

    Collaborate with other entrepreneurs in complementary niches. You scratch their back, they scratch yours. By teaming up, you’ll expose your list to a fresh audience, like two superheroes combining powers to defeat a common enemy. Together, you’re unstoppable! Learn more…


    Tip #8 Analyze and Optimize

    Dive into your email analytics and see what’s working and what’s not. Are your open rates soaring or slumping? Adjust your approach accordingly. Be the Sherlock Holmes of email marketing, solving the mystery of subscriber engagement. Learn more…


    Tip #9 Create Irresistible Limited-Time Offers

    Create urgency with irresistible offers that expire faster than a melting ice cream cone on a summer day. Give your subscribers FOMO (fear of missing out), and they’ll scramble to join your list and grab those exclusive goodies! Learn more…


    Tip #10 The Power of Praises – Using Testimonials

    Collect testimonials from happy customers like a kid collecting Pokémon cards. Share those success stories with your subscribers to build trust and credibility. Who can resist joining a list with a fan club that’s already singing your praises? Learn more…


    Tip #11 The Magic of Unexpected

    Imagine this… You wake up to your usual morning emails, but there, nestled among the updates and offers, is a surprise bonus from a newsletter you love. Maybe it’s an exclusive discount, a thoughtful eBook, or a heartfelt video message. That’s the magic of unexpected delights.

    Now, think about gifting such moments to your subscribers. It’s not about grand gestures, but rather genuine, small tokens of appreciation that show you care.

    Learn more…


    Tip #12 The Power of Feedback in Email Marketing

    Have you ever wondered what your subscribers really think about your emails? Are they loving your content, or is there something they’re itching for you to cover? The truth is, sometimes the best way to find out is just to ask. Learn more…


    Tip #13 Coming Soon!

    Get on my list to to get the next tip when it comes out!


    Tip #19 Set Clear Goals

    Setting goals isn’t just about jotting down wishes and hopes. It’s about creating a roadmap for your email marketing efforts in 2024.

    Think about what you really want to achieve. More subscribers? Better engagement? Whatever it is, let’s get specific.

    1. 🎯 Be Specific: Instead of saying, “I want more subscribers,” try, “I aim to grow my list by 20% by June.”

    2. 🔢 Make It Measurable: Put numbers to your goals. This way, you’ll know exactly when you’ve hit them.

    3. 🌱 Keep It Realistic: Reach for the stars, but keep a ladder handy. Set goals that challenge you but are attainable with your resources and time.

    4. ✍️ Write Them Down: There’s power in penning your goals. It makes them feel more tangible and real.

    Learn more…


    Join our VIP list to get our latest deals, tips and resources by email.


    Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out my Favorite Resources for Small Businesses.


  • High Paying Affiliate Programs

    High Paying Affiliate Programs

    Your guide to the Best High Paying Affiliate Programs for Fitness, Health and Wellness Niches.

    Are you monetizing your blog?

    Are you selling digital products? Physical products? Services? Anything?

    If not, then you’re running a hobby, not a business.

    And if you want to have a profitable business, you need to make money.

    One of the simplest ways to earn money from your blog is to join affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are very common and offer website owners like you an additional way to profit from their websites.


    High Paying Affiliate Programs

    This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.

    Most have easy sign-up processes and require minimal technical knowledge. You generate traffic and sales for commercial websites and in return you receive a commission payment.

    When you join affiliate programs, you are often supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site and email campaigns. When a user clicks on one of your links, they’re brought to the affiliate website and their activity will be tracked by the affiliate’s software.

    Sounds totally doable, right?

    What are the Best High Paying Affiliate Programs? (2021 Best Guide)Click To Tweet


    In practice you want to stick with affiliate programs that offer products or services that you would be happy to recommend to others. You don’t want to promote a shoddy item just to make a quick buck.


    High Paying Fitness Health and Wellness Programs

    This list is updated often so bookmark this page and check back regularly!

    Finding the best fitness, health, and wellness affiliate programs can be time-consuming. To help, I’ve done the research for you.

    Here are my picks for the best affiliate programs in the fitness, health and wellness niches that offer high payment commissions.




    Once you join Awin, you will be able to participate in hundreds of affiliate programs. Here are some of the high paying affiliate programs with Awin:

    FabFitFun – $9 per sale

    IdealFit – 10% per sale

    Myprotein – 8% per sale


    High Paying Affiliate Programs: Awin


    Commission Junction Publisher

    Similar to Awin, CJ Publisher is a collection of affiliate programs you can participate in once you join Commission Junction Publisher. Here is some of the high paying affiliate programs with CJ Publisher:

    GNC – 4% per sale

    Thrive Market – Up to $40 per membership sign-up

    Vitamin Shoppe – Up to 10% per sale


    Rakuten LinkShare

    Once you join Rakuten Marketing, you will be able to participate in hundreds of affiliate programs. Here are some of the high paying affiliate programs with Rakuten Marketing:

    Eastern Mountain Sports – 7% per sale

    Gaiam – 8% per sale

    HealthmateForever – Up to 40% per sale

    Keto Sports – 8% per sale

    Lululemon – 7% per sale

    Milk and Honey – 10% per sale

    Persona Nutrition – 25% per sale

    Purium – Up to 20% per sale

    Real Ketones – Up to 25% per sale

    The Honest Company – Up to 10% per sale

    Vitality4Life – 10% per sale

    High Paying Affiliate Programs: Rakuten Marketing



    Once you join ShareASale, you will be able to participate in hundreds of affiliate programs. Here are some of the high paying affiliate programs with ShareASale:

    Baby Foot – 18% per sale

    Balance the Superfood Shot – 20% per sale

    Butcher Box – Up to $20 per sale – 30% per sale

    Himalayan Salt Shop – 20% per sale

    Kettle & Fire – 20% per sale

    Kettlebell Kitchen – 15% per sale

    Jillian Michaels – 20% per sale

    Paleo Plan – 40% per sale; $5 per lead

    Performance Health – 15% per sale

    Prodigy – 50% per sale

    Reebok – Up to 7% per sale

    Sun Basket – Up to 30% per sale

    WOD Nation – 20% per sale

    WODFitters – 20% per sale


    High Paying Affiliate Programs: ShareASale


    Other High Paying Fitness Health and Wellness Programs

    Barefoot Yoga – 10% commission on sales – 3 – 8% commission on sales

    FitBit – Make money and improve lives by directing visitors to Fitbit  products from your site or blog. It starts at a 3% commission rate, but high-volume affiliates are eligible for higher commission levels.

    Gaiam – Up tp 10% commission

    Health Talks Online – You earn up to 50% of any sales you make. Any affiliate you register gets up to 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

    TRX Training – 15% commission on all sales

    Ultimate Bundles – Contributors earn 70% on each bundle sold through their unique link; non-contributing affiliates earn 40%. When you refer another affiliate to Ultimate Bundles through your unique link, you’ll earn 10% of their bundle sales during their first year as an affiliate.


    Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out Top Tools to Grow Your Business