Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account

If you want to expand your reach on Pinterest, you’ll want to join Tailwind Tribes. Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.


What is Tailwind?

Tailwind is an official partner of both Pinterest and Instagram and offers a complete suite of marketing tools to help you grow your reach and get eyes on your business.

You get access to tools like Smart Scheduling which allows you to schedule your pins days and even weeks in advance and let it run on autopilot for you.

If you want to expand your reach on Pinterest, you'll want to join Tailwind Tribes. Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.Click To Tweet


Additional tools like Analytics & Monitoring, Content Discovery, Promotion, and more help you manage your visual presence across Pinterest and Instagram.

Plus, you get access to Tailwind Tribes. They’re like Pinterest group boards but even better!


Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account


What are Tailwind Tribes?

Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.

How? For one, when you join tribes, you want to select ones that are in your niche or categories. This means when you share a pin to a tribe, your tribe mates will more likely be in the same or similar niche as you.

When you join a tribe, you join trusted people in your niche to share relevant content and grow your reach!

Add that to the fact that most tribes require reciprocal pinning, typically on a 1:1 ratio. That means for every pin you add to the tribe, you must re-share someone else’s pin in the tribe.

And this requirement applies to everyone in that tribe. This one little rule makes tribes work extremely well and greatly increases the chance of getting shares on your pins!

I know you’ll love Tailwind as much as I do.

If you sign up with my link below, you’ll get $15 off Tailwind Plus.

Click here to join Tailwind


This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.


Tailwind Tribes You Can Join

This list is updated often so bookmark this page and check back regularly!

Here’s a list of my Tailwind Tribes you can join. If you’re looking for a specific niche and don’t see it below, leave me a note in the comments.

AND… you get a free month of Tailwind Plus when you sign up and join any of my tribes!

All Niches – Click to Join this Tribe

Bloggers & Blogging Info – Click to Join this Tribe

Fitness, Health and Wellness – Click to Join this Tribe

Food and Drink – Click to Join this Tribe

Online Business & Entrepreneur Topics – Click to Join this Tribe

Social Media & Digital Marketing – Click to Join this Tribe


More Tools to Grow Your Business

To grow your business, you need the right tools and resources. Tailwind is just one of my favorites.

Click here to see my picks for the top resources to grow your business.


Your Favorite Tools

Got any favorite tools of your own? Let me know in the comments. I’m always up for learning more!


Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out Top Tools to Grow Your Business


Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account