
  • Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses

    Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses

    Whether you’re a business owner in search of help for your digital marketing projects or a student wanting to gain experience in the field of digital marketing, Acadium has a lot to offer. In this Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource for Businesses, we’ll go over the key points to consider to help you decide if Acadium is the right resource for you.

    Click here to get started with Acadium


    Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses

    This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.


    What is Acadium?

    Acadium is an online platform created to provide two key things:

    1. Talented and eager apprentices for businesses looking to get help with their online marketing needs.
    2. Digital marketing apprenticeships for anyone who wants to begin or develop a career in the field.

    Apprentices are typically marketing students or people already out in the working world who are looking to hone their marketing skills. These apprentices are matched with vetted business owners based on the following.

    • The skills they have and want to learn or broaden
    • The kind of help the business owner needs.

    In return for providing digital marketing help for the business, the apprentice receives valuable mentorship from the business owner.

    Note: Acadium changed its name in 2019 from GenM. Initially, the company opened its doors to focus on millennials they felt were being left behind by traditional education. Not long after, the founders realized that many people of different ages and walks of life need this service. So, they became Acadium to better reflect their mission of inclusivity.

    Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses


    Who is Acadium for?

    Acadium provides opportunities for both business owners and students through a mutually beneficial experience. Business owners can find apprentices to help them with their digital marketing efforts. And apprentices receive mentorship, guidance, and work experience throughout the three-month-long apprenticeship.


    What Kind of Help Can You Get?

    Digital marketing needs vary depending on the type of business. Acadium’s apprentices are seeking experience, and they may also already have some knowledge in specific areas of marketing. Below are examples of specialty areas in which apprentices can focus and provide help for businesses.

    • Social media management
    • Paid advertising
    • Content marketing
    • Email marketing
    • SEO
    • E-commerce
    • Website platforms
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Influencer marketing
    • Public relations
    Are you a business owner seeking digital marketing assistance? Read my Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resources for Businesses to get help.Click To Tweet


    How does Acadium work?

    In the following sections, we look briefly at how Acadium works for businesses and apprentices, respectively.

    For Business

    Businesses provide guidance and mentorship to their apprentice, who works 10 hours a week during their 3-month apprenticeship. The business owner chooses the best candidate for their needs from a large pool of ready-to-work students. Then a business owner can reach out to them via a message on Acadium to see if the candidate is a good fit. Next, the business accepts an ideal candidate and begins the onboarding process with the apprentice.

    For Apprentices

    While working with a business, the apprentice should receive mentoring and guidance to strengthen the skill set they want to work on. In return, the apprentice provides assistance with the business’ digital marketing projects. Then at the end of a successful apprenticeship, the business owner issues a certification of completion to their apprentice.


    Plans and Pricing

    Credits are available for different price points (Note: prices may have changed since the publication of this article. Click here to find the most current pricing.)

    Acadium Pricing


    • One credit can be redeemed for a 3-month term with an Acadium apprentice.
    • Credits never expire and can be used as needed.
    • If an apprenticeship doesn’t work out within 30 days for reasons outside of the business’ control, Acadium will restore the credit for free.

    Acadium offers a comprehensive set of tools and support to help manage the apprenticeship and facilitate scheduling and communication.

    Acadium Review: A Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses - Tools and Support

    Click here to get marketing help with Acadium


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are questions I often get asked about my personal experience with Acadium. If you have other questions not answered here in my Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses, you can send them to

    Why did you decide to use Acadium?

    I was looking for an affordable way to hire help for my business. I looked at Fiverr, which I used in the past for short one-off tasks, but I needed staff that could work on longer-term projects. Since I would be working with them for an extended period, I also wanted to make sure our personalities and working style would be a good match. For those critical reasons, Acadium was the better option.

    Did you find the process easy to hire new apprentices?

    The process was definitely easy. I have lots of experience hiring employees. In the past, I managed the temp division of an employment agency where I matched qualified applicants to businesses looking for temporary help. I also have several years of experience in the Human Resources department for a couple of companies. And I’ve hired and managed numerous employees. So I know how time-consuming it can be to hire help.

    Acadium simplifies the process with its online platform. You can filter applicants based on your needs and an applicant’s skill set and interests. You also get a legal contract that covers what is expected in the apprenticeship. Their platform made the hiring process much easier and faster.

    How have the apprentices added value to your business?

    They bring fresh eyes to the business, which in turn brings new ideas to the table. Apprentices have so much enthusiasm and ambition, which really drives innovation among the team. Working with self-driven students also makes the apprenticeship very enjoyable. It means you can prioritize your workday and be more productive when you have someone on your team dedicated to helping with your marketing.

    What one piece of advice would you give to someone looking to hire an apprentice to their business?

    It would be to make sure that the apprentice is the right fit for your business. Experience isn’t everything. There needs to be a good personality match, as you will be working with them for 13 weeks.

    Acadium Review: A Digital Marketing Resource For Businesses - A remote apprentice can help


    Tips from Real Experiences

    I’ve worked with several apprentices, students, and business owners alike who share their tips for maximizing their Acadium experience.

    Sara’s Tips

    • Provide some structure for your apprentice. Have a list of daily and/or weekly tasks for them to work on.
    • Make sure they know how to get started on the tasks. Allow for them to make mistakes, especially in the beginning, when they’re still finding their way around.
    • Set up a regular check-in time every week, and be available if they have questions or run into difficulties.
    • Offer constructive feedback. If you have additional resources, consider making them available to them.
    • Keep communication open and address questions and issues as they come up.
    • If they’re doing a great job, let them know!

    Jasmine’s Tips

    • Give your apprentice opportunities to learn how to do multiple things.
    • Ask for their opinions on things and take in their input.
    • Explain everything carefully so that apprentices learns from you.

    Drithi’s Tips

    • Understand what your apprentices want from you.
    • Give them room to make mistakes.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help on any tasks – if you feel overwhelmed with a bunch of work, delegate the easy tasks to your apprentices. Or make a video on how to go about a particular task. Sometimes, all students want is to keep learning new things!
    • Get to know them and their work. I know apprenticeships are meant to be formal, but if you develop a personal relationship with them, it puts you both at ease.
    • You can play their strengths to your advantage if you know what kind of tasks they’d be good at and where they might need training.

    How to Get Started

    Hopefully, this post, Acadium Review: Digital Marketing Resource for Business, has provided a lot of useful information to help you decide if Acadium is the right resource for you. If you’re ready to give it a go, read on.

    Acadium Discount

    Ready to get the marketing help you need to grow your business?

    Click here to get started with Acadium

    Have your own experience with Acadium? Share it in the comments!

    Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out Top Tools to Grow Your Business


  • Top Resources to Grow Your Business

    Top Resources to Grow Your Business

    To grow your business, you need the right tools and resources. Here are my picks for the top resources to grow your business.


    Quick Links


    One of my biggest money-saving secrets that’s helped me grow my business is AppSumo.

    AppSumo as a deal site with apps, tools, and other products for entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers, and digital marketing professionals.

    They partner with tech and software companies like MailChimpEvernoteDropbox, and DepositPhotos and arrange UNBELIEVABLE deals to pass along to you so you can grow and scale your business.

    Click here to join AppSumo

    Want to learn tips on using AppSumo? Read How AppSumo Can Grow Your Business.


    Top Resources to Grow Your Business: AppSumo

    This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.


    Fiverr claims to be “the easiest way to get things done,” and I have to strongly agree. They make it extremely easy for entrepreneurs to hire online freelancers and professionals to handle everything from marketing to tech.

    It’s an excellent, money-saving way to delegate tasks. Let’s think this through. Assume you charge anywhere from $50 – $100 per hour to provide your services to a client, or in other words your billable rate is $50 – $100 per hour. Now think about a task that would take you 5 hours to complete.


    To grow your business, you need the right tools and resources. Here are my picks for the top resources to grow your business.Click To Tweet


    If you paid yourself to do it, it would cost $250 – $500, whereas if you paid a Fiverr freelancer $5 per hour it would cost $25. Another way to view it, if you were to do that task yourself, you would essentially be losing $250 – $500 in income you could be making by providing your services to your clients.


    Top Resources to Grow Your Business


    You can hire professionals and experts to do work you’re not as skilled at and do it affordably! For example, if you’re not a graphics expert, you can hire someone who is. Not great at writing email or sales copy or blog posts? Hire a copywriter. Or maybe you’ve written an eBook but don’t know how to turn it into a professional looking digital product.

    Do you really want to spend hours researching how to do it, pay for a tool to create it, spend countless more hours designing it, only to create a decent, but not stunning looking eBook? Using a Fiverr, you can find a pro to create a gorgeous, professional product with edits included and in a time frame that works for you.

    Pricing starts as low as $5.

    Sounds too good to be true? See for yourself !

    Click here to get started with Fiverr


    Top Resources to Grow Your Business: Fiverr



    Let’s face it, a lot of work goes into building a 6-figure business. It would be lovely to have a team to support you in achieving your business goals. Acadium is a fabulous resource that can help you with your marketing needs, giving you tools to create your own small marketing team.

    If your business is in need of some extra help we have students waiting to help! By providing marketing apprenticeships not only will your business mentor students but be providing real world experience. These students have knowledge waiting to be applied.

    If you already have a staff, that’s great! Keep reading because you can still take advantage of the benefits of using Acadium to supplement your team.

    If you don’t have a team to assist you and your business could use extra help, Acadium could be your solution!

    Acadium is a platform that matches your business’ marketing needs to students eager to build and apply their marketing skills. And they provide the tools and resources to manage tasks, projects, and communication.

    Plus you can work with as many apprentices as you need. Each apprentice can work up to 10 hours a week for 3 months.

    Access to the tools and marketplace is only a small monthly fee. (That’s less than the cost of one visit to the hair salon!)

    If you use my referral link, you save $25.

    Click here to get $25 off at Acadium


    Top Resources to Grow Your Business: Acadium


    Your Favorite Resources

    Got any favorite resources of your own? Let me know in the comments. I’m always up for learning more!


    Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out Top Tools to Grow Your Business

  • Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account

    Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account

    If you want to expand your reach on Pinterest, you’ll want to join Tailwind Tribes. Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.


    What is Tailwind?

    Tailwind is an official partner of both Pinterest and Instagram and offers a complete suite of marketing tools to help you grow your reach and get eyes on your business.

    You get access to tools like Smart Scheduling which allows you to schedule your pins days and even weeks in advance and let it run on autopilot for you.

    If you want to expand your reach on Pinterest, you'll want to join Tailwind Tribes. Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.Click To Tweet


    Additional tools like Analytics & Monitoring, Content Discovery, Promotion, and more help you manage your visual presence across Pinterest and Instagram.

    Plus, you get access to Tailwind Tribes. They’re like Pinterest group boards but even better!


    Tailwind Tribes to Grow Your Pinterest Account


    What are Tailwind Tribes?

    Tribes not only help you find great content quickly, but they allow you to reach desirable audiences to grow your Pinterest presence.

    How? For one, when you join tribes, you want to select ones that are in your niche or categories. This means when you share a pin to a tribe, your tribe mates will more likely be in the same or similar niche as you.

    When you join a tribe, you join trusted people in your niche to share relevant content and grow your reach!

    Add that to the fact that most tribes require reciprocal pinning, typically on a 1:1 ratio. That means for every pin you add to the tribe, you must re-share someone else’s pin in the tribe.

    And this requirement applies to everyone in that tribe. This one little rule makes tribes work extremely well and greatly increases the chance of getting shares on your pins!

    I know you’ll love Tailwind as much as I do.

    If you sign up with my link below, you’ll get $15 off Tailwind Plus.

    Click here to join Tailwind


    This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.


    Tailwind Tribes You Can Join

    This list is updated often so bookmark this page and check back regularly!

    Here’s a list of my Tailwind Tribes you can join. If you’re looking for a specific niche and don’t see it below, leave me a note in the comments.

    AND… you get a free month of Tailwind Plus when you sign up and join any of my tribes!

    All Niches – Click to Join this Tribe

    Bloggers & Blogging Info – Click to Join this Tribe

    Fitness, Health and Wellness – Click to Join this Tribe

    Food and Drink – Click to Join this Tribe

    Online Business & Entrepreneur Topics – Click to Join this Tribe

    Social Media & Digital Marketing – Click to Join this Tribe


    More Tools to Grow Your Business

    To grow your business, you need the right tools and resources. Tailwind is just one of my favorites.

    Click here to see my picks for the top resources to grow your business.


    Your Favorite Tools

    Got any favorite tools of your own? Let me know in the comments. I’m always up for learning more!


    Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out Top Tools to Grow Your Business